Monday, November 3, 2014

CETF Internet For All Petition

One in four Californians do not have Internet at home and we have a unique opportunity to change that.

For California—the most populous state in the nation and home to so much technology innovation—the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable-Charter deal is the "ballgame" for anyone who really cares about Digital Inclusion.

Many of you have already endorsed the 5 Recommendations we are making to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to hold Comcast accountable for improving and expanding its affordable Internet offer, Internet Essentials. Now we are asking you sign a petition urging the FCC to act on the recommendations and make Internet affordable for those who can least afford it. Please read and sign our Care2 petition.

We know first-hand from working with our partners in the trenches with the most disadvantaged populations and impoverished neighborhoods that they are up against a "wall of poverty" that demands concerted and purposeful action from our elected representatives and policymakers.

The 5 Commissioners of the FCC have the fate of 25% of California and the nation's residents in their hands with the authority to make an immediate transforming difference in their lives through Digital Inclusion. They need to hear from us.

Read and sign our Care2 petition!

Consider how Candelaria Amador is taking action to improve her life. She is looking for work and really needs Internet at home. She told us, “I was surprised to learn how much the Internet costs, and I cannot afford another bill now. I take care of older people in their homes, but two months ago I lost a client I was caring for. I support myself, and I decided I should learn to use the computer so I can find more clients in the online ads on Craigslist.”

In her weekly class, she is learning how to write an online resume. But without Internet at home, she says it’s very hard to find a job. She is not eligible for Comcast’s current low-cost Internet program, because the company only offers the program to low-income families with students at home.

Now is the time to stand with Candelaria and ask the FCC to take action for all who need affordable Internet at home!

Sign our petition on Care2!

Thank you for your ongoing support to help us close the Digital Divide.

Sunne Wright McPeak

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