Monday, April 20, 2015

CCSF Web & Mobile App Program Orientations

The Bay Area needs talented, educated coders, designers, and IT professionals! And opportunities for students and job seekers to prepare for web and mobile app design and development abound at CCSF!

The CCSF Web and Mobile App Collaborative is kicking off with a series of events for students and job seekers to learn about a career in tech with City College's Web & Mobile Programs at one of these upcoming orientation meetings:

Tuesday, April 28
Ocean Campus, 50 Phelan Ave.
1-3pm | Science Building, Room 108 or
5-7pm | Science Building, Room 108

Wednesday, April 29
Ocean Campus, 50 Phelan Ave.
12:30-2:30pm | Science Building, Room 100

Wednesday, May 6
Mission Center, 1125 Valencia Street
5:30-7:30pm | Room 275

There is also a new CCSF web and mobile app programs landing page with more details about these events along with program descriptions and how to get started. Share these links and this flyer with your students! If you have any question or want to learn more about how you can help promote the events and programs, contact Anna Colibri at


Olivia Herriford
Associate Director
Mid-Pacific ICT Center

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled with these orientations and the fact that City College Web & Mobile Programs is getting the word out that we have educational opportunities for local talent to fill gaps in the local industry. Employment is at an all time high. Let's nab these jobs!
