Friday, July 25, 2014

WIOA Bill Signed! Signals a Federal Re-focus on Training That is Job-Driven

CCCCO Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development Van Ton-Quinlivan attended the July 22nd historic signing of the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) at the invitation of the White House Domestic Policy Council. WIOA is the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) which had been delayed 11 years until this bicameral legislature came together with the White House to author WIOA. See a side-by-side analysis of WIA and WOIA by clicking here.

President Obama signs WIOA, flanked by Vice President Biden, Secretary of Labor Perez,
and the bicameral legislators who negotiated the bill's language.

At the event, Vice President Biden announced his report, Ready to Work: Job-Driven Training and American Opportunity. VP Biden was commissioned by President Obama to lead an across-the-board reform of America's training programs and this report contained his recommendations along with a roadmap of future federal investments. A brief highlight can be found by clicking here.

On page 30, San Joaquin Delta College was highlighted for its contribution to the Doing What Matters for Jobs and Economy framework, notably its work to align college programs based on a review of labor market data.

Page 8-10 outlines the seven Jobs Driven Checklist that federal agencies will be incorporating into the $15B of federally funded employment and training programs. This Checklist signals a federal refocusing of federal dollars to ensure employment and job training is job-driven, aligned with the labor market, and pathways all Americans into better futures. Reading the report gives colleges, public agencies and states a better feel for how federal funds are likely to shapeshift.

Vice Chancellor Ton-Quinlivan with Boeing VP Alan May and Human Resources Policy Association (HRPA ) Jaime Fall. Boeing recently announced its intent to bring 1,000 jobs to Long Beach, CA, thanks to the efforts of GoBiz and other parties.


Work up-front with employers to determine local or regional hiring needs and design training programs that are responsive to those needs.


Offer work-based learning opportunities with employers - including on-the-job training, internships and pre-apprenticeships and Registered Apprenticeships - as training paths to employment.


Make better use of data to drive accountability, inform what programs are offered and what is taught, and offer user-friendly information for job seekers to choose programs and pathways that work for them and are likely to result in jobs.


Measure and evaluate employment and earnings outcomes.


Promote a seamless progression from one educational stepping stone to another, and across work-based training and education, so individuals' efforts result in progress.


Break down barriers to accessing job-driven training and hiring for any American who is willing and able to work, including access to job supports and relevant guidance.


Create regional collaborations among American Job Centers, education institutions, labor, and non-profits.

California's Community Colleges have intensified its incorporation of many of these principles in recent years under the Doing What Matters for Jobs and Economy framework. Click here to see what's new.

Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, Assistant Secretary Portia Wu, Deputy Secretary
Eric Seleznow, Deputy Secretary Gerri Fiala and staff celebrate the signing of WIOA.

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor
Workforce & Economic Development Division
Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges
1102 Q Street, 4th floor executive offices, Sacramento, CA 95811
916-327-5492 or
For appointments, please contact Faye James: 916-323-4990 or
Follow me on Twitter @WorkforceVan
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