Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Get Ahead of Student Debt

California Career Briefs

Did you know?

One of the main reasons CCC students drop out of their classes is because they must work to support themselves and their families. That is why it is critical for instructors to provide financial aid information to students becausestudents who are able to spend more time studying and less time workingwill succeed in the classroom. While Financial Aid is an invaluable resource for students who need money to complete their education, many college grads, and college drop outs too, are burdened with an enormous amount of student debt. Because most CCC students have little experience borrowing money, they are ill equipped to navigate the financial aid process on their own. Help your students get ahead of student debt by discussing some financial aid terms and introducing them to the financial aid resources on your campus.

Here’s how…

  • Question students to find out what they know about financial aid.
  • View PBS video.
  • Distribute Student Activity, review directions and complete exercise.
  • Review terms and share some financial aid experiences.
  • Create a list of questions students have about financial aid.
  • Invite a financial aid counselor to class to answer students’ questions.

Above and Beyond!

Encourage students to visit CACareerCafe.Com and complete the lesson Be Money Wise in the Get Advice section. Here they will find additional financial aid resources including a cost of college calculator.

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