Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pacific Region Learning Summit in Hawaii

All educators are invited to participate in a program designed to transform your teaching and your students' learning. This one week Pacific Region Learning Summit is provided in partnership with Leeward Community College, De Anza Community College, Foothill Community College, and Truckee Meadows Community College.
The event features several tracks:

1. Transforming Instruction with Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
This track leads you through the steps required to add problem-based learning to your classroom. You will prepare  create your own PBL scenario, talk to an industry person to make your scenario "real", design tasks and assessments for your scenario, and learn how to facilitate student teams.  For more information visit

iCourse Design
This track takes instructors through the process of redesign their course for online delivery. You will learn how to modify what you are doing in the classroom to delivery it effectively online. Online learning is a different way of learning and participants will be taken through the process of process of shifting from traditional to online instruction.

3.  Technology Toolkit
This track will teach instructors how to use technology tools to enhance their courses, whether it be f2f, blended, or online. The technologies covered in this track will include: Google Sites, Google Docs, YouTube, and others.  An understanding of the steps of the problem-based learning model is helpful.

4.  Elluminate Live! Moderator
Elluminate Live! is a web-based, synchronous environment used to facilitate interaction, learning, communication, and collaboration.  With tools such as video, instant messaging, voice chat, whiteboard, application sharing, breakout rooms, and polling, Elluminate Live! provides a rich and dynamic online learning environment.  Use it for class meetings online, student group projects and collaboration, remote guest speakers, virtual office hours, online tutoring, and live demos. You will learn the Elluminate Live! tools, how to create interactive online activities, and how to facilitate them.
The summit offers:
  • a meet-and-greet time with local industry representatives to incorporate "real world" into classes (PBL tracks only)
  • opportunities to network with colleagues across disciplines and colleges
  • integration of Hawaiian cultural themes & activities

When and Where:
Monday, May 23 - Friday, May 27, 2011 at Leeward Community College on the Island of Oahu in Hawaii.

8: 30 am - 3:30 pm daily except Friday 8:30 am - 12 pm.
Online synchronous meetings may occur weekly for some weeks following the Learning Summit to continue the work started in  the tracks.

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