The IT Innovation Summit – Sacramento event scheduled for March 3, 2011 at the Sacramento Convention Center is almost sold out. We have 8 seats left and as an FYI, I am enclosing the current line up of speakers and sessions. If you or anyone that you know has an interest in participating please visit the event website at
IT Innovation Summit Sessions and Speakers Announced
Sessions Focus on Jobs, Innovation, Productivity and Education
February 9, 2010 (Folsom, CA) —The initiative – established to promote jobs, innovation and productivity in the U.S. – are welcoming prominent industry and education professionals to speak at the second in a series of nationwide IT Innovation Summit scheduled for March 3, 2011 in Sacramento, CA.
Barack Obama says “business innovation is a building block to more jobs” and the presidents call to action calls for employing technology and innovation to solve our nation’s most pressing problems. Bill Cullifer, Chair of the initiative and event chair says “the IT Innovation Summit series was established to focus on jobs, innovation, productivity here in the U.S and that process of that focus starts by convening industry professionals and small businesses, the largest consumer of information technology together, as well those that teach IT topics in the classroom and public and education policy decision makers” said Cullifer.
"By maximizing the power of technology, we can strengthen the quality and affordability of our health care, advance climate friendly energy development and deployment, improve education throughout the country, and ensure that America remains the world’s leader in technology" said Obama. Cullifer and the initiative consortia agrees and together with business and industry leaders, trade and professional associations and education the event speakers will share experiences and innovation ideas in the areas of Green IT, Health IT, Web design and development, New Media and IT education.
Session and Speaker line-up:
Health IT Session Panel:
* Alan Rowland, Education to Careers Business Development Manager CompTIA
* Andy Vaughan, Director. Higher Education Solutions
* Kaiser Permanente Hospital (invited)
* Bob Hawkes, Director Workforce Development Kern Community College District Sutter General Hospital (invited)
* Catholic Hospital West (CHW) (invited)
Summary: The Obama administration has declared Information Technology (IT) as one of the main objectives for transforming health care. Along with government policy initiatives, the economic landscape is driving an immediate need for health care organizations to improve efficiency and reduce costs, while maintaining a sharp focus on quality and patient reported outcomes, such as patient satisfaction. The ability to design, develop, and deliver IT projects, strategy, and initiatives using proven tools and techniques is paramount to having a positive impact on an organization’s mission and, ultimately, its profit margin.
Green IT Session Panel:
* Andy Vaughan, Director. Higher Education Solutions
* Christy Quinlan Acting Secretary of California Technology California Technology Agency (invited)
* John Bjerke, Area Academy Manager, Western US Cisco Networking Academy
* Gary Page, Information Technology Consultant – California Department of Education (CDE)
* Uzma Almakky, Director
Summary: Awareness of Green IT is increasing, driven by a combination of cost reduction mandates, IT practicalities like running out of power, cooling and space, and organization-wide environmental sustainability efforts. As a result, IT professionals are tasked to formulate and enact their Green IT strategy to harvest the environmental and financial benefits of becoming more eco-conscious. This session offers both a strategic view of Green IT into the future, and practical steps that IT teachers can take to move from Green IT awareness to action.Web Design, Web Development and New Media Panel:
* Andy Vaughan, Director. Higher Education Solutions
* Diana Bennett, College of San Mateo
* David-Michael Rengh, West Hills College
* Suzanne Ama, Cerro Cosa Community College
Summary: Web Design, Web Development and New Media are integral parts of modern life. The Web profession offers a dynamic and entrepreneurial working environment that has had a revolutionary impact on the global economy and on society. Among its most important functions are the efficient transmission of information, storage and analysis of information and display through computer networks and systems, the Internet, and computer databases. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the demand for Web and New Media professionals will continue to be strong as more of these workers will be needed to accommodate the increasing amount of data sent and number of devices over the Internet, as well as the growing number of Internet users. Web Professional and New Media careers are available in every other sector of the economy including health care and medicine, natural resources including agriculture, bio engineering and transportation.IT Pathways, Articulation and Vision for the Future Panel:
* Gary Hoachlander, President
* James B. Jones, Executive Director Mid-Pacific ICT (MPICT) Center
* Kay Ferrier, Lead Consultant CA Dept of Education’s Business and Marketing Education
* Stephanie Low, Dean, Curriculum & Instruction Academic Affairs Division California
In this session panelist will explore career pathways that prepare students for college and careers. Participants will also receive a package of resources that can be implemented today.As key stakeholders consisting of professional educators, community and business leaders, parents and students and policy decision makers we have an obligation to do better. We need to challenge one another and commit to a course of action that will improve student outcomes. Teachers for example, want to make sure their instruction is on-target and to know “what works” while seeking and receiving support to help them improve their practice trough better curriculum and local partnerships. Principals want help developing good site level plans so they can help teachers effectively implement change that will produce results, happy and successful students and good will in the community. Parents want to know that their children are getting an excellent education that prepares them for meaningful employment. Policy decision makers want to see improved results on a limited budget and time constraints.
Bill Cullifer
Executive Director
World Organization of Webmasters (WOW)
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